Friday, February 19, 2016

February 22nd-26th


No 8th grade classes on Monday, February 22nd.  Time to pack and get organized for Washington!

Important travel information:
Tuesday, February 23rd
Toys R Us parking lot off Eisenhower
Arrive at bus NO LATER THAN 6:45 AM!
Bus rolls at 7:00 AM

Arrival Home:  
Friday, February 26th
Toys R Us parking lot
9:00 - 10:00 pm
Students will call to confirm arrival time when we are about 2 hours outside of Savannah

Final agenda is coming home with students on Friday and will be emailed to parents.  We ARE going to see the White House and the Pentagon!!

If you arrive on campus before 3:10 please park your car in a marked parking space.  DO NOT LINE UP EARLY - it blocks the passage of cars going to the GOLD zone.  


Next week the 8th grade will be on their Washington, D.C. trip.


7th Grade Life Science Mrs. Huennekens
We are studying Arthropods and Echinoderms this week. Mrs. Libby Blake will be substituting for me while I am in D.C. with the 8th grade.

7th Grade Algebra 1 Mrs. Reardon
All next week we will be working on a fun, real-world application of math called “If I had a Million Dollars”.  Students will be given a rubric and the entire week of class time to complete this project.

7th Grade Pre-Algebra Mr. Lanfear
Next week we will finish Chapter 6 by learning about the Counting Principle (6.8).  We will have a quiz on probability (6.7 - 6.8) on Wednesday.  Then we will start Chapter 7 and learning about percents (7.1 - 7.3).

7th Grade Language Arts Mrs. Hannah
We will be reviewing phrases in grammar, and beginning our literature study of myths, fables, and epics. We will also return to our study of Latin and Greek roots by completing lesson five. Students will have a quiz over lesson five toward the end of next week.

7th Grade History Mrs. English
This week students will be working on their Presidential research projects. Rubrics and guidelines will be passed out on Monday and students will have all week to work on it. They already received their president choices today. These projects will be due on Monday, February 29th.

7th Grade Spanish Ms. Hughes
Next week in Spanish class, the 7th grade will work on their travel project. Each student will research a Spanish-speaking country and present the information to the class using the new vocabulary from Chapter 8A. Students will also plan a vacation to this country under a tight budget. The vocabulary quiz will be Wednesday, February 24th.


6th Grade Earth Science Mrs. Huennekens
We are studying Oceanography!  This unit covers the seafloor, life in the ocean and ocean pollution. Mrs. Reardon will be substituting for me while I am in D.C. with the 8th grade.

6th Grade Earth Science Mrs. Reardon
Next week in Earth Science we will continue in our Oceanography chapter by identifying the mineral resources found on the continental shelf and in the deep ocean, describing photosynthesis and chemosynthesis, listing the key characteristics of plankton, nekton and benthos, and comparing and contrasting ocean margin habitats.  On Thursday, we will use a microscope to observe a sample of ocean water and look for the different types of plankton.  Students should expect a quiz over sections 1 and 2 on Friday, February 26.

6th Grade Math Mrs. Reardon
Next week we will continue in Chapter 7 by solving inequalities and writing and evaluating functions.  We will review sections 5 through 7 on Wednesday and students will have a quiz over those 3 sections on Thursday, February 25.

6th Pre-Algebra Mr. Lanfear
Next week we will finish Chapter 6 by learning about the Counting Principle (6.8).  We will have a quiz on probability (6.7 - 6.8) on Wednesday.  Then we will start Chapter 7 and learning about percents (7.1 - 7.3).

6th Grade Language Arts Mrs. Guggenheim
We had a great field trip to the public library! Some of the students want to go back with you and get a library card so they can check out books. One perk of having a library card is having the ability to use the public library’s awesome research database, which Ms. Katie showed us today. A few put books on hold (Oglethorpe Mall branch). Next week, students will be researching their topic in class using the Chromebooks, and the following week they will be working on the presentation portion in class as well. We introduced List 8 (Greek/Latin roots) this week. The quiz is Thursday, February 25. As I explained in yesterday’s email, I will be in Washington, DC with the 8th grade. Mrs. Churchill will be my sub, and you may direct any questions to Mrs. O’Conner or get information to Mrs. Chandler in the MS office.

6th Grade Ancient Civilizations Mrs. Hannah
We will complete our study of Ancient China by analyzing the Qin and Han dynasties. We will begin the Qin dynasty on Monday and discuss the importance of standard measures. We will also analyze different types of government and how this led to the unification of China.

6th Grade Spanish Ms. Sotomayor
The students have been enjoying a new introduction to warm-ups and assignments as we bring in the new trimester: Duolingo! This is a special language learning program that is student and classroom friendly. Make sure to ask your child about how they are sharpening their Spanish with Duolingo. Also, the rubrics that were sent home on Wednesday to be signed by the parents are important to look over. 2 out of the 4 are simply informative and helpful. The other 2 templates are the rubrics I will be using as class grades to assess individual student and group work in the class. Presence in class, both physically and mentally, is key to success in learning and effectively using the Spanish language. Finally, we are doing MovieTalk where we use short, interesting films to generate questions, sentences, and all together conversation in the Spanish language. IMPORTANT DATE: First test of the trimester is Thursday, March 10th. More details to follow. MORE INFO ON DUOLINGO:

May 21st - May 25th

NOTES FROM MR. CRAWFORD Important Dates for all Families! All middle school students were provided information regarding end of ye...