Monday, September 21, 2015


7th Grade continues to work on the "Reliquary" with Mr. Pearle


HDS brought home another victory on Thursday night! 

6th Grade English Language Arts with Mrs. Guggenheim
*Vocab - Quiz List 3 9/25
*Lit - Continuing nonfiction unit:
   Quiz on 9/22 - Review terms and reread “Water”, “The Shutout”, “Jackie Robinson”. We will have an
   in-class study session on Monday.
   After the Wednesday holiday, we will begin to read “Pigman”
*Writing - We will be working on writing nonfiction leads and turning our video notes into paragraphs

6th Math with Mrs. Reardon
Next week in Math 6, we will continue in Chapter 2 by dividing decimals, learning about scientific notation, and measuring metric units.  All of these skills will be important not only in math, but in science too!  On Friday, students will have a brief chapter quiz over scientific notation and on Thursday, October 1 they will take their Chapter 2 test.

6th-7th Pre-Algebra with Mr. Lanfear
Next week we will finish Chapter 2 by learning how to solve equations with decimals in them (2.7).  We will review Chapter 2 on Thursday and have our Chapter 2 Test on Friday.

6th Earth Science with Mrs. Reardon
Next week in Earth Science, we will start the week off with students presenting their element poster projects (which look amazing!!).  When we have completed presentations we will move into discussing elements and their symbols in more depth as well as taking a closer look at the Bohr atomic model.  Students will take a quiz over the elements and their symbols on Friday, September 25.

6th Earth Science with Mrs. Huennekens
We have been busy working on our Element Posters this week.  The kids have learned several fascinating facts!  We will begin our presentations on Monday.  Thursday and Friday we will look more closely at Atoms.

6th Spanish with Ms. Sotomayor
I’d like to start off by saying that I’m encouraged to see how far the students have come already in improving their written Spanish! On Monday we’ll discuss personal pronouns. The goal-oriented questions I will be challenging the students to ask themselves are: “Am I using the proper articles with the proper nouns I have learned?”, “Can I easily identify numbers 1-100 by now”, and “Can I sustain a small conversation with someone I’ve just met?”. We will continue to build on previous vocab and material.

6th Ancient Civilizations with Mrs. Hannah
Next week in Ancient Civ, we will study the Sumerian civilization and identify characteristics of Sumerian city-states. We will analyze government,  identify trade routes and their importance to economy, introduce religious practices, and discuss Mesopotamian achievements. On Friday, students will turn in a rough draft of their city-states and the accompanying brochure. Be prepared for a quiz early in the week of 28 September-2 October!


7th Grade English Language Arts with Mrs. Hannah
We are studying our final short story in our unit: “Hey- Come Out!” We are studying different types of irony and applying these to “After Twenty Years” and “Hey- Come Out!”. I have extended the due date of the final draft of our short story to Thursday 24 September, and have proofread each student’s story and provided feedback in Google Classroom. If your student would like to come after school for help with the short story, I have a sign-up sheet in my room. I am very excited with the dedication and imagination I have seen in these original creations!

7th-8th Algebra I with Mrs. Reardon
Next week in Algebra I, we will wrap up Chapter 2 with finding square roots and comparing real numbers.  Students will receive a study guide on Tuesday, we will review on Thursday and they will take their Chapter 2 test on Friday, September 25.
6th-7th Grade Pre-Algebra with Mr. Lanfear
Next week we will finish Chapter 2 by learning how to solve equations with decimals in them (2.7).  We will review Chapter 2 on Thursday and have our Chapter 2 Test on Friday.

7th Grade Life Science with Mrs. Huennekens
We will begin our week  learning how to use the microscope with a Microscope Madness Lab.  We will then move into our study of viruses.

7th Spanish with Ms. Hughes
Next week in Spanish class, the 7th grade will continue to practice their writing, speaking, listening, and reading skills in Spanish. There will be a graded listening assignment using the vocabulary and grammar from Chapter 5B. The Chapter 5B test will be Friday, September 25th.

7th American History Part I with Mrs. English

We had fun doing the “Colombian Exchange” last week! Students saw how goods and disease were spread between the Eastern and Western Hemisphere.  This week we will continue our study in Chapter 2.2 over the Spanish Colonies. Students should plan on having a quiz on Chapter 2.1 & 2 on Thursday.


8th Grade English Language Arts with Mrs. O'Connor/Ms. Churchill
Students will have an opportunity to retell the events of Crane’s “Episode of War” from a new perspective.  They will practice good writing process skills as they brainstorm ideas, compose rough drafts, participate in peer review, revise, and complete their final drafts.  We will also continue our grammar review, focusing our attention on problem sentences.

7th-8th Algebra I with Mrs. Reardon
Next week in Algebra I, we will wrap up Chapter 2 with finding square roots and comparing real numbers.  Students will receive a study guide on Tuesday, we will review on Thursday and they will take their Chapter 2 test on Friday, September 25.

8th Advanced Algebra with Mr. Lanfear
Next week we will review the first part of Chapter 10 (10.1 - 10.3) and have our Chapter 10 (part 1) Test.  We will then start the next half of Chapter 10 by looking at solving quadratic equations using square roots (10.4).

8th Geometry with Mr. Lanfear
Next week we will finish Chapter 2 by exploring more 2 column proofs about angle relationships (2.7).  We will review Chapter 2 on Thursday and have our Chapter 2 Test on Friday.

8th Grade Physical Science with Mrs. Huennekens
We will study Compounds and Mixtures this week.  Hopefully, what we have learned about the periodic table will help us better understand how all this works!

8th Spanish with Ms. Hughes
Next week in Spanish class, the 8th grade will present their school brochures using the grammar and vocabulary from Chapter 1B. This will count as a project grade. There will also be a graded reading comprehension assignment. The Chapter 1B test will be Friday, September 25th.

8th American History Part II with Mrs. English

We had a great time on the Georgia Historical Society and Green-Meldrim House Field Trip! It was a great opportunity for our students to learn about the amazing history in our town and practice skills they will need to use on our Washington D.C. class trip. This week we will begin studying Chapter 16.1 on Reconstruction of the South. Homework will come from Chapter 16.1& 2.

Friday, September 11, 2015

September 14-18


Our 8th grade will be traveling to the Georgia Historical Society on Thursday.  At the Society, the students will see the Abraham Baldwin draft copy of the United States Constitution and other displays and interactive exhibits.  Following this visit the students will walk to the Green-Meldrim House for a tour.  The morning will conclude with lunch. Your child should wear their school uniform (no PE uniforms).  We will be walking outside so please pay attention to the weather and send your child with the appropriate gear.  Students should bring a bag lunch. Students that purchase school lunch will have a bag lunch provided. The following link provides details for the trip.


On Tuesday our football team finally began its weather delayed season beating Savannah Christian 8-6.  Congratulations boys!  On the same night both our JV and Varsity girls’ volleyball teams defeated Memorial!  Thursday the volleyball teams fell to Savannah Country Day in a pair of hard fought matches.  

Next week’s schedule:
JV Volleyball - Home vs Blessed Sacrament School @ 5:00
V Volleyball - Home vs Savannah Christian @ 7:00
JV Volleyball @ St. Andrew’s School @ 6:00
V Volleyball @ St. Andrew’s School @ 7:00
Football Home (Bible Baptist field) vs Blessed Sacrament School @ 5:30


Friday our boys heard a presentation by Sergeant Hollingsworth of the Chatham County Sheriff’s Office about scouting in Chatham County.  Scouting and other activities like 4-H and the Civil Air Patrol are excellent development opportunities for your children.  Numerous studies show that this commitment promotes a well organized individual.  Please consider getting involved.  Sign up is this Sunday.  Information can be found by clicking HERE.

The afternoon carpool line continues to pick up speed for all zones.  The biggest factor for this increase in speed is the White Zone cars NOT arriving until 3:15.  Keep up the good work!!!

6th Grade English Language Arts with Mrs. Guggenheim
FYI - I will not be in school on Monday as I will be going to Temple for Rosh Hashanah.

*New Vocab list introduced on Monday (Quiz 9/24)
*Lit: Continue with nonfiction; we’ll be doing an in-class writing project on Wed/Thurs
*Grammar: Sentence of the Week quiz on Thursday - Proper nouns (with review of sentence types/types of nouns)

6th Math with Mrs. Reardon
We are working on decimals this week. We will begin by comparing and ordering decimals and work through to division of decimals.

6th-7th Pre-Algebra with Mr. Lanfear
Next week we will have a quiz on sections 2.1 - 2.3 on Tuesday.  Then we will begin learning about solving one-step equations by addition/subtraction (2.5) and multiplication/division (2.6).  There will not be classes on Friday due to Hancock Day School celebrating Grandparents’ Day.

6th Earth Science with Mrs. Reardon
We are learning all about elements this week by creating a poster project of an element!  The information will go home today, September 11th. The students are required to get a parent signature and return the sheet on Monday, September 14th. We will use the chromebooks in class to do our research.

6th Earth Science with Mrs. Huennekens
We are learning all about elements this week by creating a poster project of an element!  The information will go home today, September 11th. The students are required to get a parent signature and return the sheet on Monday, September 14th. We will use the chromebooks in class to do our research.

6th Spanish with Ms. Sotomayor
Test upcoming Thursday, September 17th! Students will be provided with a study guide and rubric. I will start to add recordings of my voice in Google Classroom for students to hear and practice pronunciation and Communication questions/answers. Also, mark your calendars! The annual Latin festival on River Street is taking place Saturday, October 10th. This may be a great opportunity for your child to experience a real life application of the language as well as grow awareness of the Hispanic presence in our area.

6th Ancient Civilizations with Mrs. Hannah
We just finished our unit on Early Humans, and next week we will begin to study ancient Mesopotamia, the land between two rivers, Students will receive information regarding the project for this unit; building a Sumerian city-state. Due dates and specifics will go home next week, and will also be posted in Google Classroom. The unit one test will be returned on Monday, and students will be responsible for correcting missed questions, to ensure understanding of the material. These test corrections will be due on Tuesday. I will be in my room at 7:45 daily for extra help or questions.


7th Grade English Language Arts with Mrs. Hannah
Seventh grade has begun to write an original short story, and I’m impressed by the dedication and enthusiasm they have shown for this assignment! The rough draft of the story is due on Wednesday 16 September, and students will peer edit the rough draft in class. We will revise the story Thursday 17 September. The final draft will be due on Tuesday 22 September. Rubrics and dates are posted in Google Classroom
We are continuing to read short stories in our literature text as well, and students should read “After Twenty Years” this weekend in order to discuss on Monday. We will begin vocabulary lesson two, with both the foldable and exercises I-III due on Thursday.  I will be in my room at 7:45 daily for extra help or questions.

7th-8th Algebra I with Mrs. Reardon
We are working on lessons 2.4-2.6 this week with a quiz at the end of the week.
6th-7th Grade Pre-Algebra with Mr. Lanfear
Next week we will have a quiz on sections 2.1 - 2.3 on Tuesday.  Then we will begin learning about solving one-step equations by addition/subtraction (2.5) and multiplication/division (2.6).  There will not be classes on Friday due to Hancock Day School celebrating Grandparents’ Day.

7th Grade Life Science with Mrs. Huennekens
The students have been busy this week learning all about cells!  We have taken an up close look at the plant and animal cell.  Ask them how they know the difference between the two cells.  We have labeled and colored each cell and talked about all the functions of each organelle that makes up the cell.  Next week, we will learn all about the microscopes and we will use the microscopes to take a closer look at cells.

7th Spanish with Ms. Hughes
Next week in Spanish class, the 7th grade will continue to work with the grammar and vocabulary from Chapter 5B. We are reviewing the difference between ser and estar and the quiz over this material will be Wednesday, September 16th. There will also be a graded listening over the material from the chapter.

7th American History Part I with Mrs. English
This week we will continue presenting our Explorer Projects. I’ve been very impressed with the research the students have done.  We will begin studying Chapter 2.1--The First European Explorers. Readings and homework will come from that section.  


8th Grade English Language Arts with Mrs. O'Connor/Ms. Churchill
We will continue our grammar review focusing on good sentence structure, avoiding and correcting problem sentences.  In literature, we will be turning our attention to a story by Stephen Crane, one of America’s most influential realist writers.  Reading comprehension questions will support examination of the text.

7th-8th Algebra I with Mrs. Reardon
We are working on lessons 2.4-2.6 this week with a quiz at the end of the week.

8th Advanced Algebra with Mr. Lanfear
Next week we will have a quiz on Tuesday covering sections 10.1-10.2 (graphing quadratic functions).  Then we will begin learning how to use the TI-series graphing calculators to solve quadratic equations by graphing.  There will not be classes on Friday due to Hancock Day School celebrating Grandparents’ Day.

8th Geometry with Mr. Lanfear
Next week we will finally see our first examples of two-column proofs!  We will start by looking at two-column algebraic proofs and then move on to two-column geometry proofs.  Proofs enable students to analyze statements and form logical arguments and conclusions.  There will not be classes on Friday due to Hancock Day School celebrating Grandparents’ Day.

8th Grade Physical Science with Mrs. Huennekens
We are recalling our 6th grade studies of Matter and are now drilling down into more explanation and a better understanding of atoms, elements and the periodic table.

8th Spanish with Ms. Hughes
Next week in Spanish class, the 8th grade will continue to work with the grammar and vocabulary from Chapter 1B. We are reviewing conocer and saber, comparisons of equality and inequality, and hacer time expressions. The quiz over this material will be Wednesday, September 16th. There will also be a graded listening over the material from the chapter.

8th American History Part II with Mrs. English
This week we will take our American Civil War test on Tuesday, September 15th.  Wednesday we will go through the materials and expectations for our field trip to the Georgia Historical Society and the Green-Meldrim House.  We leave for the field trip on Thursday at 8:30 and return around 1:30.  Please see Mr. Crawford’s blog post for more details about the trip.

Friday, September 4, 2015

September 7-11

Students in Mrs. Reardon's Math 6 class spent some time exploring area and perimeter! 


For the first time in recent history, the Middle School will be participating in Hancock’s Grandparents' Day festivities.  In preparation for that day we have assigned each student to interview a grandparent or a special adult friend.  The specifics of the assignment can be found by clicking HERE.

We encourage you to work with your student preparing his project.  The first draft was due this week and the final project is due on Friday, September 11th.  We will be providing students who need assistance meeting these goals during our lunch hour next week.  Please plan on attending the event on Friday, September 18th!

As we conclude our second week of school the afternoon carpool line is moving better each day.  The key is not arriving on campus before 3:10.  Most of the Green and Gold zone cars have picked up their children by this time.  Therefore, our line is markedly smaller.  If you do find yourself on campus before 3:10 continue to park in marked parking spots until signaled to move into line.  THANK YOU  to everyone for making this system work!  

In another move to speed flow we asked Middle School students who have siblings waiting in Hancock Hall to pick them up and wait with them outside on the walkway.  This will eliminate calling each student out of Hancock Hall and waiting for them to walk to your vehicle.

We are getting our online transportation change system functioning more seamlessly each day.  Ms. Gordon posts the changes you call in on our message screen each afternoon.  Students are instructed to read the board before heading to carpool.  If you have any questions about this system, do not hesitate to call Ms. Gordon at 351-4500.

This form was due in at the beginning of school.  If you have not returned yours, please do so as soon as possible.

We will see the first effect of our new A-E rotating schedule with the Labor Day holiday.  This rotation means that students will not miss their Special Classes on Monday.  This Friday is a C day.  When we return, Tuesday will be a D day.  

Volleyball @ Memorial - JV 5:00/Varsity 7:00
Football @ Savannah Christian Preparatory School - 5:30
Volleyball @ Savannah Country Day School - JV 5:00/Varsity 6:00

The St. James football game that was cancelled on Wednesday has not been rescheduled at this time.



6th Grade English Language Arts with Mrs. Guggenheim
Vocab: List 2 Greek/Latin Roots has gone home; the quiz is Thurs., Sept 10. Students will need to know the parts of speech.
Lit: In-class graded assignment on “Water” by Helen Keller on Wednesday; continuation of nonfiction characteristics/text features
Grammar: Sentence of the Week: Types of Sentences (Review)  - Quiz on Friday

6th Math with Mrs. Reardon
Next week in Math 6, we will wrap up Chapter 1 by discussing the problem solving plan.  Students will use their problem solving skills to do an activity on Wednesday.  Thursday, we will review for the Chapter 1 test that will take place on Friday, September 11.

6th-7th Pre-Algebra with Mr. Lanfear
Next week we will begin Chapter 2 by looking at several different properties of addition and multiplication.  Specifically, the commutative, associative, identity properties (Chapter 2.1), as well as the distributive property (2.2).  There will be a brief Homework Quiz on Tuesday, which asks students to copy and complete 5 homework problems from previous homework assignments.

6th Earth Science with Mrs. Reardon
Next week in Earth Science, we will review on Tuesday for the Chapter 1 test that will take place on Wednesday, September 9.  On Thursday, we will begin in Chapter 2 by learning about the structures of different types atoms and how they join together to determine all the properties of matter that can be observed.

6th Earth Science with Mrs. Huennekens
Our first Chapter Test is scheduled for Wednesday, September 9th . We will begin Chapter 2 - Matter, page 32, looking closely at the states of matter, the internal structure of the atom,  the physical properties of matter and what causes matter to change state. Students should check Google Classroom regularly for any updated notes, announcements or assignments.

6th Spanish with Ms. Sotomayor
Students have enjoyed using the Spanish language in their environment. We are applying classroom-themed vocabulary to our conversations as well as the words “hay” (there are/there is), and learning to properly use Spanish articles with nouns. We are also continuously using the target Communication questions in Spanish such as: “Where are you from?”, “When is your birthday?” and “What is your telephone number?”. It has been wonderful watching the kids become enthusiastic in role-play in front of their peers while practicing speaking the language. Be sure to check out Google Classroom as nearby events will be posted as opportunities for your child to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month!

6th Ancient Civilizations with Mrs. Hannah
We have almost finished our unit on Early Humans! The Chapter Two quiz will be on Wednesday, and the unit test (Chapters 1 and 2) will be on Friday. The best way to study is to use the notes packet and maps as a ‘study guide’, and use these to make flashcards (either handmade or using Quizlet).  I will be in my room by 7:45 for any questions or extra help.


7th Grade English Language Arts with Mrs. Hannah
         We are continuing our study of short stories, and will focus this week on creating an original short story. Students will incorporate the elements of plot into their story, in addition to analyzing methods of characterization. We will have two days in class this week devoted to writing the rough draft of their story.
         In grammar, we are differentiating between types of sentence complements, including direct and indirect objects and predicate nominatives and adjectives. I will be in my room by 7:45 for any questions or extra help.

7th-8th Algebra I with Mrs. Reardon
Next week in Algebra I, we will begin Chapter 2 by learning more in depth about adding and subtracting integers and rational numbers.  Thursday we will review for the quiz that will take place on Friday, September 11.

6th-7th Grade Pre-Algebra with Mr. Lanfear
Next week we will begin Chapter 2 by looking at several different properties of addition and multiplication.  Specifically, the commutative, associative, identity properties (Chapter 2.1), as well as the distributive property (2.2).  There will be a brief Homework Quiz on Tuesday, which asks students to copy and complete 5 homework problems from previous homework assignments.

7th Grade Life Science with Mrs. Huennekens
We are exploring CELLS!! They are found in Chapter 2, page 36 of our textbook. We will compare and contrast plant and animal cells by using diagrams that they will color and label all the parts of each cell. Students should check Google Classroom regularly for any updated notes, announcements or assignments.

7th Spanish with Ms. Hughes
Next week in Spanish class, the 7th grade will begin Chapter 5B. Students will learn about indirect object pronouns, how to describe others, and how to express needs. There will be a graded listening activity and reading comprehension check over the new material. The vocabulary quiz will be Friday, September 11th.

7th American History Part I with Mrs. English
In an effort to enhance our Age of Exploration unit, students will work on their Smithsonian Explorer Projects Tuesday-Thursday.  The guidelines for this project were given to students on Friday, September 4th. The project is due Friday, September 11th.  


8th Grade English Language Arts with Mrs. O'Connor/Ms. Churchill
Students have been carefully reading “Flowers for Algernon” and exploring unit 12 in our vocabulary books.  Looking ahead, next week students will take a short quiz over vocabulary on Thursday, September 10th.  We also have our first test of the year coming up on Friday, September 11th.  The test will assess students’ understanding of “Charles” and “Flowers for Algernon.”  We encourage students to take advantage of opportunities for extra help by coming in before school when needed.

Ms. Churchill will be leading the class while Mrs. O’Connor is away on maternity leave.  Ms. Churchill can be reached via email at  Mrs. O’Connor plans to return in late November.  

7th-8th Algebra I with Mrs. Reardon
Next week in Algebra I, we will begin Chapter 2 by learning more in depth about adding and subtracting integers and rational numbers.  Thursday we will review for the quiz that will take place on Friday, September 11.

8th Advanced Algebra with Mr. Lanfear
Next week we will begin looking at Chapter 10 and using the TI-83 and TI-84 graphing calculators (these will be loaned to the students).  We will learn about graphing quadratic functions (10.1) and how to algebraically find the vertex and axis of symmetry of parabolas (10.2).

8th Geometry with Mr. Lanfear
Next week we will continue to prepare to enter the exciting world of proofs.  We will explore biconditional statements (2.2) and some logic laws (2.3).  There will be a short quiz at the end of the week covering 2.1 - 2.3.

8th Grade Physical Science with Mrs. Huennekens
We will begin Unit 2: Matter : Chapter 3 - Atoms, Elements and The Periodic Table, page 70. During our study of the chapter, it is our goal to be able to complete the following objectives:
describe characteristics of matter, identify the parts of an atom, describe the relationship between elements and the periodic table, explain the meaning of atomic number and atomic mass, contrast metals, metalloids and nonmetals, identify the characteristics of a compound, and compare and contrast different types of mixtures. Looks like we will be very busy!   Students should check Google Classroom regularly for any updated notes, announcements or assignments.

8th Spanish with Ms. Hughes
Next week in Spanish class, the 8th grade will begin Chapter 1B. This chapter discusses extracurricular activities, making comparisons, hacer time expressions, and saber vs. conocer. There will be a graded listening activity and reading comprehension check over the new material. The vocabulary quiz will be Friday, September 11th.

8th American History Part II with Mrs. English
This week we will finish our study of the Civil War with discussion and readings coming from Chapter 15.4 and 15.5. Topics covered will include drafts, desertion, Gettysburg, and Sherman’s March to the Sea. Just so you know, from September 7th to September 11th PBS will celebrate the 25th anniversary of Ken Burns’ The Civil War. They will air a remastered version of the original film each night at 9:00pm (I think it’s 11 hours total!!). I encourage you to watch this series with your child--it truly is interesting!

May 21st - May 25th

NOTES FROM MR. CRAWFORD Important Dates for all Families! All middle school students were provided information regarding end of ye...