Monday, March 23, 2015

March 23-27


On Wednesday, March 25th, Helise Sandler of Savannah Educational Consultants will meet with 8th grade parents and students to discuss the course selection and placement process students will go through with the high schools they have chosen to attend.  The presentation will begin at 10:30 in Hancock Hall.  Mrs. Sandler is a licensed counselor who assists families selecting schools and advocates for students once enrolled.  This is VERY important information for families as students transition from Hancock to high school.  PLEASE PLAN ON ATTENDING!

There is a growing problem with the gold and white zone carpool lanes merging between 2:50 and 3:10.  When white zone cars arrive before 3:10 it creates a blockage for the cars moving through the gold zone lane in the area behind the Middle School.  If you arrive before 3:10 it is important that you take a marked parking spot to wait until 3:10.  At 3:10 you can proceed to line up in the white zone line.  PLEASE DO NOT PARK BEHIND THE KITCHEN AREA.  While 2 or 3 cars will fit, cars then back up which blocks the carpool lane.    Again, BEFORE 3:10, PARK IN A MARKED SPOT.  Thanks for your help!!

8th Graders from Mrs. Blake's Physical Science class involved in a very in-depth experiment! 


6th Grade English Language Arts with Mrs. O'Connor
This week the sixth graders will select topics for their expository research papers.  So far students have been working on learning how to identify credible websites online, and now we are ready to put this skill to use.  By Friday all students will have identified a topic and written at least ten research questions.  This week we will also begin working on lesson six in Wordly Wise, and students can plan for a quiz over this lesson on next Wednesday, April 1st.  Looking ahead, students will be working on notecards and source cards as they conduct their research over the next couple of weeks.  During this time your child may ask you to take him/her to the public library.  While the Live Oak libraries contain a wealth of information, this is not a requirement for the research paper, and we will use all available resources on Hancock’s campus.  We hope to have our research completed by Wednesday, April 8th.  At that time we will begin organizing our information, outlining, and drafting the paper.  The finished product will not be due until Wednesday, April 29th.

6th Math with Mrs. Johnson
6th Grade math will be learning to solve proportions using cross products and about scale drawing and models.  They will have a quiz over sections 8.5 and 8.6 on Thursday, March 26th.

6th-7th Pre-Algebra with Mr. Lanfear

This week we will begin looking at linear functions and how to graph them on a coordinate grid     (8.1 – 8.3).  There will be a quiz on Friday covering those sections.

6th Earth Science with Mrs. Johnson 
In Earth Science, the students are working on a project at school called "Our Solar System." Each pair of students is responsible for researching a planet and the creation of a drawing of an alien life form physically adapted for life on the planet.  Presentations begin March 26th.
Chapter 24 sections 2 and 3 note taking is due Wednesday March 25th.

6th Earth Science with Mrs. Blake
The sixth graders started a solar system project the week before spring break.  After researching a specific planet, each team is designing an alien that can live in that specific environment.  They will put the finishing touches on their project at the beginning of the week and, on Thursday, the students will give their presentations.  

6th Spanish with Mrs. Dixon-Bender
This week, we’ll begin to cover ‘POR’ vs ‘PARA’. Much like ‘SER’ vs ‘ESTAR’, this can be a challenging concept for non-native speakers, so we’ll spend the majority of the week working on the concepts and how to use each word conversationally. 

6th Ancient Civilizations with Mrs. Hannah
We are studying the Persian Wars and the rise of the Golden Age of Greece. Toward the end of the week, students will discuss the importance of theatre and arts to Greek culture, and study the morals found in Aesop's fables. Students will create their own fable that conveys a moral and share with the class. As always, I will be in my room by 7:45 for extra help or clarification on a topic.


7th Grade English Language Arts with Mrs. Hannah
We have begun the research paper! Students will be using the research they conducted for their American History president project to write a research paper. Each student received guidelines outlining each step of the writing process, with a working timeline of due dates. We began a outline today in class that will be due on Wednesday. We are also beginning our study of epics, myths, and legends, for which we will use the literature text. This week we will read Icarus and Daedalus and Perseus. Students will have a mini debate over Icarus and Daedalus on Thursday, for which they will have to defend their point of view to their classmates. As always, I will be in my room by 7:45 for extra help or clarification on a topic

6th-7th Grade Pre-Algebra with Mr. Lanfear
This week we will begin looking at linear functions and how to graph them on a coordinate grid (8.1 – 8.3).  There will be a quiz on Friday covering those sections.

7th Grade Life Science with Mrs. Blake
The seventh graders will perform their frog dissection this week.  They will start by looking at the external features of the frog.  Later, they will look at the internal organs.  At that point, the students will compare and contrast the functions of the organs of humans and frogs.

7th-8th Algebra I with Mrs. Johnson

Algebra classes will be learning how to write and graph exponential growth and decay functions in sections 8.5 and 8.6.  They should be prepared to take a quiz over these two sections on Friday, March 27th. 

7th Spanish with Ms. Hughes
This week in Spanish class the 7th grade will begin a new chapter discussing daily routines and getting ready for special events. Students will learn how to use reflexive verbs, infinitives after prepositions, and possessive adjectives. The vocabulary quiz will be Friday, March 27th.

7th American History with Mrs. English
This week we will be learning about the checks and balances of the American government and the Electoral College.  We will also complete our President Madness project on Friday. Students will have a short quiz on the checks and balances chart on Thursday.  


8th Grade English Language Arts with Mrs. O'Connor
This week the eighth graders will select topics for their persuasive research papers.  By Thursday all students will have identified a topic and written at least ten research questions.  This week we will also begin working on our next Wordly Wise lesson, and students can plan for a quiz over this lesson on next Wednesday, April 1st.  Looking ahead, students will be working on notecards and source cards as they conduct their research over the next couple of weeks.  During this time your child may ask you to take him/her to the public library.  While the Live Oak libraries contain a wealth of information, this is not a requirement for the research paper, and we will use all available resources on Hancock’s campus.  We hope to have our research completed by Wednesday, April 8th.  At that time we will begin organizing our information, outlining, and drafting the paper.  The finished product will not be due until Monday, April 27th.  

8th Grade Physical Science with Mrs. Blake
The eighth graders are studying a chapter on Substances, Mixtures & Solubility.  We briefly reviewed elements, compounds & mixtures before spring break.  This week, the students will look more closely at solutions.  They will learn the various factors that influence the rate of dissolving.  Next week they will perform a lab that illustrates different types of solutions.  

7th-8th Algebra I with Mrs. Johnson
Algebra classes will be learning how to write and graph exponential growth and decay functions in sections 8.5 and 8.6.  They should be prepared to take a quiz over these two sections on Friday, March 27th. 

8th Advanced Algebra with Mr. Lanfear 
This week we will begin looking at three dimensional solids and polyhedra.  Students will discover how to calculate the surface area of various objects, such as prisms (9.2), cylinders (9.2), and pyramids (9.3).  There will be a quiz on Friday covering sections 9.1 – 9.3.

8th Geometry with Mr. Lanfear
This week we will finish our discussions about quadrilaterals by learning various properties of trapezoids and kites (8.5).  There will be a test covering all of Chapter 8 on Friday.

8th Spanish with Ms. Hughes
This week in Spanish class the 8th grade will finish Chapter 5B and the test will be Wednesday, March 25th. Students will begin a new chapter discussing cooking instructions and advice, kitchen safety, and recipes in Spanish. Students will also learn how to use the impersonal se and negative tĂș commands.

8th American Government with Mrs. English
This week we will work on the Holocaust Remembrance pieces for the Holocaust Remembrance contest.  We will also continue our study of World War II in Chapter 24-Sections 3 & 4.  Looking ahead we will have a test on Thursday  April 2nd on Chapter 24.  

May 21st - May 25th

NOTES FROM MR. CRAWFORD Important Dates for all Families! All middle school students were provided information regarding end of ye...