Great Beginning!
Having worked for most of the summer in an empty Middle School building it was such a joy to have bubbling, smiling, enthusiastic students return!
I will use this space each week to keep families informed about items that affect the Middle School, opportunities that come across my desk, and celebrate the success of our students.
We use technology to support our instruction and make it easier for our students to interact with their teachers. This can put pressure on the use of everyone’s home computer. Students can access their Google Classroom from any device that connects with the internet. We use Chromebooks because they are the most cost effective way to do that. They can be purchased at several of the larger stores locally. Information about the model we recommend and a site to purchase one online can be found at:
Emergency Forms
It is critical that the school has the most up-to-date information to connect with families. We are lacking about 25% of the Emergency Forms that were due at registration. If we don’t have yours, please send it in on Monday. A from can be found at:
We get daily assignments to students by writing them on the board and by posting them in the Google Classroom. We got away from providing planners and used that money saved to upgrade our binders to hopefully last more that one trimester! If you would like a paper planner, our first suggestion is to go to an office supply store with your child and get one in a format that they would use. We will have a limited supply of planners available in the Middle School office for purchase (currently $10.70). Please call Ms. Ross before coming to purchase one to ensure we have one available.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for not coming on campus until 3:15. That really helped keep the never ending carpool line manageable! On those days you do get here early, please pull into a designated space to wait until 3:10 to line up.
Community Service
Please remember that students should complete ten hours of community service each school year. Service opportunities are advertised in the blog weekly. Additionally, if you know of any service opportunities that would be appropriate for our students, please feel free to send them to Ms. Ross so that they may be included here.
Brown Bag for the Elderly at Second Harvest Food Bank
Students and families can volunteer on the third Saturday morning of each month. Upcoming dates are August 19th and September 16th. Volunteers should wear closed-toed shoes and arrive by 7:45. Those wishing to volunteer should contact volunteer coordinator Jason Brown ( in advance.
8th grade Algebra 1 - Mrs. Reardon - Week of August 21st
It’s been a great 3 days so far! The students seem to be [fairly] happy to be back at school!! Next week in Algebra, we will continue in chapter 1 by writing expressions, equations, and inequalities, as well as reviewing the problem solving plan. Students should expect a quiz over sections one through five on Friday, August 25. Students will also receive their first challenge problem on Monday, August 21. Students have one week to complete the challenge problem and seek help from me, parents, or a tutor, just NOT a classmate. The challenge problem will be due on Monday, August 28.
8th grade Advanced Algebra - Mr. Lanfear - Week of August 21st
Welcome to another year at Hancock! We are excited to have the opportunity to teach the students once again! Next week we will continue reviewing polynomials and factoring (9.4 - 9.5). We will also learn how to factor the difference of two squares (9.7) and factor by grouping (9.8). There will be a short quiz on Wednesday covering sections 9.1 - 9.4.
8th grade Geometry - Mr. Lanfear - Week of August 21st
Welcome to another year at Hancock! We are excited to have the opportunity to teach the students once again! Next week we will learn about the midpoint and distance formulas (1.3). We will also identify and use different types of angles (1.4 - 1.5). There will be a short quiz on Friday covering sections 1.1 - 1.5.
8th grade Physical Science - Mr. Cooper - Week of August 21st
It has been a pleasure getting to know the 8th grade class! I can tell we will have a great year. Next week we will prep for the eclipse during our short schedule on Monday. The rest of the week we will learn about matter, atomic structure, and the periodic table of elements.
8th grade English Language Arts - Mrs. O’Connor - Week of August 21st
Our year is off to a great start! We are discussing our summer reading assignments and preparing for a Socratic Seminar centering on some important themes from literature. The Socratic Seminar will take place next Tuesday and Wednesday, and we will spend time in class preparing for it. Next week we will also be reviewing parts of speech and sentence parts.
8th grade History and Gov’t II - Mrs. English/Ms. Churchill - Week of August 21
This week we will continue our study of the Civil War, focusing on key factors leading to secession and the outbreak of hostilities. A review of the major differences between North and South, critical events, spokespersons, and political figures will assist students in preparing for ‘The Nation Divides and Civil War Intro’ quiz on August 25.
8th grade Spanish - Ms. Hughes - Week of August 21st
Welcome back! I had a wonderful first week with my 8th grade Spanish class. Next week we will begin Chapter 1A. This chapter discusses classes, classroom rules, classroom activities, new stem-changing verbs, and affirmative and negative words. Students will also have a chance to create and present some new rules they would like to see implemented at Hancock Day School. The vocabulary quiz will be Friday, August 25th.
7th grade Algebra 1 - Mrs. Reardon - Week of August 21st
It’s been a great 3 days so far! The students seem to be [fairly] happy to be back at school!! Next week in Algebra, we will continue in chapter 1 by writing expressions, equations, and inequalities, as well as reviewing the problem solving plan. Students should expect a quiz over sections one through five on Friday, August 25. Students will also receive their first challenge problem on Monday, August 21. Students have one week to complete the challenge problem and seek help from me, parents, or a tutor, just NOT a classmate. The challenge problem will be due on Monday, August 28.
7th grade Pre-Algebra - Mr. Lanfear - Week of August 21st
Welcome to another year at Hancock! We are excited to have the opportunity to teach the students once again! Next week we will begin Chapter 1 by learning how to evaluate variable expressions (1.1) and compare and order integers (1.4). We will also begin learning operations with integers by learning about adding integers (1.5) and subtracting integers (1.6). There will be a short quiz on Thursday covering sections 1.1 - 1.4.
7th grade History and Gov’t I - Mrs. English/Ms. Churchill - Week of August 21
We will begin our study of American History with an overview of migration patterns and the establishment of early American civilizations. In addition to examining environmental adaptations, we will discuss patterns of behavior and the cultural contributions of the Maya, Aztec, and Inca civilizations. A ‘Chapter 1.1 and World Map’ quiz is scheduled for May 24.
7th grade Spanish - Ms. Hughes - Week of August 21st
What a great first week! I really enjoyed getting to know all of my new students. Next week in Spanish class, the 7th grade will begin Chapter 5B. This chapter discusses restaurant vocabulary, descriptions of people and food, and some new stem-changing verbs. We will also review ser vs. estar when describing people and emotions. Students will create and present a restaurant writing activity using the grammar and vocabulary from Chapter 5B. The vocabulary quiz will be next Tuesday, August 29th.
7th Grade ELA - Mrs. Boyer - Week of August 21st
Parents, Welcome! I am so excited that I have the opportunity to teach your wonderful students. The first full week of school is quickly approaching and we will be steaming full speed ahead. During the upcoming week, your 7th grade ELA student will be presenting their Book Club findings (Tuesday, August 22, These Book Club presentations will be assigned on Thursday, August 17 and will mostly be completed in class. There will be a packet/rubric for the students to guide their learning.). Students will also analyze story elements such as plot, conflict (Man vs. Nature, Man vs. Self, Man vs. Man) and theme. We will be using examples from Disney movies to enhance student’s applied knowledge of the material. I will be posting the class notes and resources available to the students on our Google Classroom.
7th grade Earth Science - Ms. Hoffman - Week of August 21st
Welcome to our 2017-18 school year! The science syllabus and rubric for our ongoing monthly assignment Science in Comics were sent home Wednesday. We are currently learning about the solar eclipse that will occur next Monday. We will then begin our lab safety review and measurement unit. I am looking forward to a great year.
6th grade Accelerated Math 7 - Mrs. Reardon - Week of August 21st
It’s been a great 3 days so far! The students seem to be [fairly] happy to be back at school!! Next week in math, we will begin chapter 1 by describing patterns and learning about variables, expressions, powers, and exponents. Students should expect a quiz over sections one through 3 on Friday, August 25. Students will also receive their first challenge problem on Monday, August 21. Students have one week to complete the challenge problem and seek help from me, parents, or a tutor, just NOT a classmate. The challenge problem will be due on Monday, August 28.
6th grade Pre-Algebra - Mr. Lanfear - Week of August 21st
Welcome to another year at Hancock! We are excited to have the opportunity to teach the students once again! Next week we will begin Chapter 1 by learning how to evaluate variable expressions (1.1) and compare and order integers (1.4). We will also begin learning operations with integers by learning about adding integers (1.5) and subtracting integers (1.6). There will be a short quiz on Thursday covering sections 1.1 - 1.4.
6th grade ELA - Mrs. Guggenheim - Week of August 21st
Literature: We’ll be spending the week learning and practicing annotation skills.
Grammar: We’ll take a grammar “pretest” to assess where students are in their grammar skills. This will not be graded.
Writing: We will use paragraph form to write about the eclipse
Vocabulary: The first vocab list went home on Thursday. The quiz over the 10 Greek/Latin roots and 7 SAT words is scheduled for Friday, August 25th. Resources for studying are in the About section of my Google Classroom.
6th grade Earth Science - Ms. Hoffman - Week of August 21st
What a great start to our 2017-18 school year! The science syllabus and rubric for our ongoing monthly assignment Science in Comics were sent home Wednesday. We are currently learning about the solar eclipse that will occur next Monday. We will then begin our lab safety review and measurement unit. I am looking forward to a great year.
6th Grade Ancient Civ - Mrs. Boyer - Week of August 21
Parents, Welcome! The upcoming year is going to be full of exciting adventures. The first full week of school is quickly approaching and we are steaming full speed ahead. I understand that some of your students are nervous about learning about all of the material which will be covered in Ancient Civilization; however, I am going to do my very best to ensure that your child is entertained and invested in this academic course. During the upcoming week, your 6th grade Ancient Civilization student will be discussing the five themes of geography, early humans (hunter-gatherers, land bridge, migration, climate change, society, culture, circa, A.D/C.E, B.C/B.C.E), longitude, latitude, and the prime meridian. Students will be taking notes in class, as well as participating in collaborative and interactive activities. All PowerPoint materials and class resources will be posted in Google Classroom.
6th Grade Spanish - Ms. Dubick - Week of August 21
Welcome to a new year of Spanish, this year it's a core course! I'm looking forward to seeing these students every day. We're reviewing the question words we learned last year, and we're also learning vocabulary and phrases to use during class. They will have a quiz on these on Wednesday the 23rd! Materials are posted in Google Classroom.
MS Ensemble - Mrs. Cookson - Week of August 21st
Welcome back to school. Since this has been a short week, we have not had any Ensemble classes yet. Next week the 6th grade will be introduced to the class and begin with trust building exercises. The 7th and 8th grades will rebuild some trust and learn about the next direction we will go with a nod towards public speaking.
MS Art - Mrs. Cookson - Week of August 21st
Welcome back to art. I have not seen all of the students yet, but have explained the new ideas brewing in the art room. This will be an exciting year with students having more choice in the development of their art. There are many surprises around the corner, so keep posted.