Please note P.E. days for Middle School
6th Grade: A, B, and C days
7th Grade: B, C, and E days
8th Grade: A, C, and D days
8th Grade Physical Science Mrs. Huennekens
The 8th grade has been studying Motion this week in Science. We have discovered the difference between distance and displacement, how to calculate speed and graphing motion. On Friday, the students worked on the chromebooks to complete a guided study of roller coasters! Next week, we will finish up with Acceleration. There will be a quiz on Wednesday, March 9th over sections 1 and 2 of Chapter 10.
8th Grade Algebra 1 Mrs. Reardon
Next week in Algebra we will wrap up Chapter 8 by discussing exponential growth and decay and reviewing for our Chapter 8 test that will take place on Thursday, March 10.
8th Grade Geometry Mr. Lanfear
Next week we will finish Chapter 8 by learning about trapezoids and kites. We will have a review day and then the Chapter 8 test on Thursday.
8th Grade Advanced Algebra Mr. Lanfear
Next week we will have a day of reviewing Trigonometry and then the Trig test on Tuesday. We will then begin learning about complementary, supplementary, and vertical angles. We will also begin learning about the different angles formed by two lines cut by a transversal.
8th Grade Language Arts Mrs. O’Connor
Next week the eighth graders will continue to study nonfiction, persuasive writing, compound-complex sentences, and unit 14 in Greek and Latin Roots. Students will take a quiz on Wednesday (3/9) over vocabulary and grammar.
8th Grade History Mrs. English
This week we will study FDR’s first election and response to the massive poverty plaguing the U.S. in the 1930s. We will look at the ABC’s of FDR and see how the size of the federal government drastically changed in response to this economic disaster. Readings and homework will come from Chapter 23.2 and 23.4. Looking forward to a great week!
8th Grade Spanish Ms. Hughes
Next week in Spanish class, the 8th grade will be writing and speaking about emergencies and rescues. They will also present opinions on a journalistic interview and current events. The Chapter 5A test will be on Thursday, March 10th and the newscast project is due Friday, March 11th.
7th Grade Life Science Mrs. Huennekens
We have completed Chapter 13 on Mollusks, Worms, Arthropods and Echinoderms. The Chapter test is scheduled for Wednesday, March 9th. This week, we began an in-class project on invertebrates. The students are working with a partner to create a flyer or a Glogster on the World’s Most AWESOME invertebrate! This project will allow the students to share the information that they researched by presenting the flyer or Glogster to the class!
7th Grade Algebra 1 Mrs. Reardon
Next week in Algebra we will wrap up Chapter 8 by discussing exponential growth and decay and reviewing for our Chapter 8 test that will take place on Thursday, March 10.
7th Grade Pre-Algebra Mr. Lanfear
Next week we will learn about compound interest (7.7). We will then have a day of review and then the Chapter 7 test on Wednesday. We will then briefly begin Chapter 8 by learning about functions, relations (8.1), and linear equations in 2 variables (8.2).
7th Grade Language Arts Mrs. Hannah
We have studied examples of myths, epics, and fables, and will conclude with a test next Tuesday 8 March. We have also started vocabulary lesson 6, and students will have a quiz Thursday 10 March. We will shift our focus next week to sentence types and structure, in order to prepare for the upcoming research paper! After spring break, we will use the research that your student completed for the president presentation in Mrs. English’s history class to write a research paper over their assigned president.
7th Grade History Mrs. English
This week we will start our study of Chapter 8 and the formation of political parties in the United States. Students will also begin their President Madness competition! On Monday, students are responsible for having 5 facts about their president that convince the audience why their president is the “best” president of all time! Looking forward to a great week!
7th Grade Spanish Ms. Hughes
Next week in Spanish class, the 7th grade will be reading and speaking about journal entries describing vacations to Spanish-speaking countries. We will also discuss the Patagonia region of Argentina and the history and geography of PerĂº. The Chapter 8A test will be Tuesday, March 8th.
6th Grade Earth Science Mrs. Huennekens
We have completed our study of Oceanography. Monday we will share what we learned from our field trip to Tybee and then tie into the marine pollution video that we viewed. We will also review for our test that is scheduled for Wednesday, March 9th. Tuesday we will play a very competitive game of KAHOOT! The kids love that game as a review!
6th Grade Earth Science Mrs. Reardon
Next week in Earth Science we will debrief our exciting field trip to Tybee on Monday and on Tuesday we will review for the Chapter 19 test that will take place on Wednesday, March 9. On Thursday, students will get to work together to create their own poster and slogan to help prevent ocean pollution.
6th Grade Math Mrs. Reardon
Next week we will begin in Chapter 8 by learning about ratios and rates. Wednesday, we will review briefly for a quiz over sections 1 & 2 that will take place on Thursday, March 10.
6th Pre-Algebra Mr. Lanfear
Next week we will learn about compound interest (7.7). We will then have a day of review and then the Chapter 7 test on Wednesday. We will then briefly begin Chapter 8 by learning about functions, relations (8.1), and linear equations in 2 variables (8.2).
6th Grade Language Arts Mrs. Guggenheim
Phwew! Our research projects are almost over...they are due on Tuesday, and then the students will be presenting them in class next week. The vocab quiz on List 9 is on Tuesday, and there is a research project quiz on Thursday that covers the fundamentals that we have learned about researching. I posted a list of topics covered 2/3/16 on Google Classroom.
6th Grade Ancient Civilizations Mrs. Hannah
This week, students are working in groups to research a specific aspect of early civilizations in Greece! They will create a Google Slides presentation to ‘teach’ the rest of the class about their assigned topic. We will work in class on this Monday through Thursday, and will present to the class on Friday.
6th Grade Spanish Ms. Sotomayor
This week we took a look at some of the delicious traditional dishes from different Latin American countries including ceviche from Peru, pupusas from El Salvador, tacos de carne asada from Mexico, Cuban sandwiches from Cuba, and many other dishes and beverages. We have continued to review vocabulary through reading comprehension via interesting passages that involve the band One Direction, as well as tasty recipes! We have also discussed prepositions and practiced moving small boxes around the room to identify the location through verbal communication. The students have been working hard to increase their general vocabulary and sentence structures through the new Duolingo program we are using. Finally, we are wrapping up this week by making and cooking empanadas today! Next week, we will practice prepositions a little more on Monday and spend Tuesday and Wednesday reviewing for Thursday’s test.