Friday, May 22, 2015

May 25-29

Notes from the Head of Middle School 

Today marks the unofficial end of the 4th quarter.  All student work should be submitted for evaluation at this point or a plan in place with the teacher to complete missing assignments.

Yearbooks were distributed to the students Friday.  We are planning time on Wednesday after the Spanish exam for students to sign each other’s books.

Please make sure that your community service hours are recorded in our records.  This can be done by submitting a letter signed by either the parent or the supervising adult describing the activity and the number of hours worked or by completing the Community Service Form.  The Community Service From may be found by clicking here. Please submit forms to Ms. Gordon in the Middle School Office. 

Exams are scheduled for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  THESE ARE ½ DAYS OF SCHOOL FOR THE MIDDLE SCHOOL.  Pick up is at 12:00.  NO MIDDLE SCHOOL EXTENDED!  The daily exam schedule can be located here. 

This year the Middle School Honors Assembly is not connected with graduation.  The Honors Assembly will be held in the Bell Gymnasium beginning at 8:30, Monday, June 1st.  We look forward to having families join us to celebrate the accomplishments of your children.

The Middle School students will work with the Savannah Tree Foundation on Monday, June 1st at Hull Park (54th Street @ Paulsen Street).  This is the second year we have supported the Foundation’s efforts to preserve our trees.  A complete description of the project can be found by clicking here.                                      

We will leave HDS after the Honors Assembly.  Students should come to the Honors Assembly in SCHOOL DRESS and bring a change of clothes for community service.  Long pants and work gloves are preferred.  DRIVERS ARE STILL NEEDED to take the students from the school to the park.  Please call or email Ms. Gordon to volunteer.  We will not be returning to school after we finish.  Families should pick up their students directly at the part at 2:00.  Permission slips are required.  Hard copies will go home Tuesday but can also be viewed here. 

The students and Middle School TEAM will celebrate the conclusion of our year with a Field Day at Skidaway Island State Park.  There are two ways to get to the party.  Students may be dropped off directly at the park at 9:00.  Simply tell the gate attendant that you are dropping your student off and then leaving and there will be no admission charge.  We will be located at Group Shelter.  The second way is to bring your child to school at the regular time.  We will depart HDS using volunteer drivers at 8:45.  ALL STUDENTS SHOULD BE PICKED UP DIRECTY AT THE PARK AT 2:00.  Again, simply tell the gate attendant that you are picking up your child and there will be no charge.  Permissions slips will be sent home Tuesday or can be viewed here.

May 21st - May 25th

NOTES FROM MR. CRAWFORD Important Dates for all Families! All middle school students were provided information regarding end of ye...